Human Factors Integration
Most people have experienced frustration when using equipment that is difficult or confusing; maybe trying to setup an online video conference but failing to correctly diagnose connection problems. People often blame themselves when things go wrong but we believe there is another reason.
Typically, there has been a breakdown in the equipment design process, a failure to adopt a user centred approach that means designers and engineers have a flawed view of the user’s skills and abilities.
User Centric Design has a proven approach to ensuring that users are a key element in the design process. We involve them in workshops. We team up with designers and engineers and provide them with vital user information. We ensure that each element of the systems engineering process includes a proper view of user needs and capabilities from early design phases right through to system testing and final acceptance.

Our services include :
Writing the Human Factors requirements and providing evidence that they have been met
Human machine interface design
Writing the Target Audience Description
Physical ergonomics and workplace design, checking that equipment caters for all users’ anthropometric body dimensions
Modelling of tasks and operational scenarios to determine how many people are required to operate safely
Complement determination and job design
Training Needs Analysis
Human Error Identification and Human Reliability Analysis
Human Factors input to the safety case
We apply the right Human Factors standards at the right time, involve users throughout the design process, and help to ensure that products are intuitive and usable.