Workplace Environment
For many workers, suitable conditions in the workplace are taken for granted. But not all workplaces are so benign. Some people work in very challenging environments: on cold damp oil and gas platforms in the North Sea, in extreme heat for soldiers deployed to hot countries, or in plantrooms full of noisy machinery.

Adverse working environments have an adverse impact on people. Here at User Centric Design, we aim to optimise the workplace environment with guidance on aspects such as illumination, noise, vibration and thermal comfort. For situations that can’t be improved, we can help you explore other mitigations. For instance, we can help you choose the right Protective Clothing and Personal Protective Equipment, and identify how that will affect operator performance. We may even be able to suggest ways to remove people from risky environments altogether by helping to identify automated or other technological solutions.
User Centric Design consultants helped to optimise the illumination design and advised on other environmental conditions of a major European Air Traffic Control facility.
Other interventions have been crucial in identifying issues and improving the layout of building services to ensure maintainers were able to gain access.
Additionally, we have explored the thermal burden and best approach to cool the core body temperature of dismounted soldiers in Afghanistan.
Our consultants are up to speed with the latest regulations and guidance and are eager to help. Speak to us today.