Human Factors Studies
The scientific basis for the field of Human Factors has been built up over many years by leading academics and researchers. User Centric Design is proud to be part of that leading group of Human Factors researchers.
Our consultants have conducted applied research across a broad spectrum of areas, from small studies lasting a few days to large studies lasting up to a year.

Stirling Tyler, Director at User Centric Design, is an acknowledged expert in the field of Human Factors and has developed the Human Factors Integration guide for a major international company. He and his associates are now leading in the review and update of the Ministry of Defence DEF STAN 00-251 Human Factors standard. He says:
“Our expertise in the field is highly respected. For instance, one of our consultants was chosen by the prestigious Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) to co-author Technical Guide TG7.3 ‘Human Contribution to System Safety’. This is an often misunderstood topic in Human Factors projects, so we were delighted to help create this guidance for the benefit of all.”
Previous clients who have benefitted from our consultants’ study skills include the Human Social Science Research Capability (HSSRC), Defence Human Capability Science & Technology (DHCSTC) and Haldane-Spearman Consortium.