Human Performance Analysis
Not all systems are straight forward to operate. Technology improvements in sensor systems tend to increase the amount of data that is gathered. Unless this is considered early during the design cycle, it may lead to information overload for operators, which in turn means that the hoped for advantages are not achievable.
At User Centric Design we have a specialist capability in human performance modelling that allows us to predict whether operators will be able to handle such systems. We adapt use case scenarios and task analysis to create timelines that allow us to model operator tasks, cognitive workload and situational awareness and help to identify what changes are necessary to ensure systems can be operated efficiently.

Part of a task network model (constructed using IPME) as used by our consultants to predict workload for the operators of an Unmanned Air Vehicle
Past projects delivered by our consultants include:
Watchkeeper Unmanned Air Vehicle Ground Control Station operators workload modelling
Sonar Operators in nuclear submarines workload modelling
Maritime Patrol Aircraft Mission System Operators performance modelling
Set up of data capture for the simulation of Air Traffic Controllers workload and situational awareness in satellite automation failure conditions
Army Specialist Vehicle workload, situational awareness and user acceptance assessments