User Testing
People come in all shapes and sizes, across a variety of age ranges, and cognitive, perceptual and physical abilities. Often designers cater for the average user, even though the average user doesn’t exist. Here at User Centric Design, we don’t settle for something that is right for the average user, we ensure it is acceptable by all users.

New products do not simply appear without being tested at early and subsequent design stages. User testing can provide a wealth of information that when fed back into the design will make products easier to use, easier to accept, and easier to sell.
To get maximum value from user testing requires careful planning. User Centric Design specialists are highly valued for their insights into planning and conducting user trials. We start with your system requirements, and decide what metrics are needed in order to demonstrate compliance with those requirements. We then set about designing system tests and trials to capture those metrics that, whenever possible, make use of a range of actual system operators selected from the target audience to participate in those trials.
We can steer you through the potential ethical pitfalls when subjecting people to trials with new technology with new ways of working, while designing trials that are valid for the whole target audience—not just those in the trials, and that minimise the effects of experimenter bias and other confounding variables.
We will collect the data and analyse it for you, drawing the conclusions and recommendations that can add maximum value to your iterative design process.
Speak to us today to find out how we can help.