Physical Ergonomics
Good design is human centred. We take concept designs, add human manikins and visualise them using computer applications. If necessary, we create a physical full-scale mock-up. We have access to the latest anthropometric information and can ensure that the evolving design is optimised for the whole target audience.
Stirling Tyler, Director at User Centric Design: “In the past, machinery was not designed with the operators in mind, often forcing them to adopt uncomfortable postures for lengthy periods. At User Centric Design, we believe in fitting the task to the human, not the other way around.”

Using a range of assessment techniques we help ensure controls and instrumentation are easily visible and accessible, workspace is optimised and operator workstations are comfortable.
In line with the latest health and safety regulations, our approach also helps to ensure that tasks and equipment are designed to minimise health and safety risks to your workforce. Proper human centred design reduces the potential for static muscle strain injuries, Work Related Upper Limb Disorders (WRULDS) or Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) caused by monotonous repeated activities.
So, whether you are designing a vehicle crewspace, a workstation, or even a whole Control Room, we have the skills and capabilities to ensure your designs are usable and safe.
Past projects delivered by our consultants include:
Crewspace design for Armoured Fighting Vehicles
Military bridging vehicles
Maintenance access to building services; HVAC, pipework, fire dampers
Reach assessments in the nuclear sector
Air Traffic Control room and workstation design